Friday, December 17, 2010

The causes of bacne-Back acne?

The term bacne refers to acne that occurs on the back. Bacne occurs on the back in the form of blackheads, pimples and spots and these can reach the advanced stage in the form of cysts. It occurs to people between the ages of 10 and 40 years.
Bacne can occur due to several reasons. The most common cause of bacne is the secretion of oily sebum by the sebaceous glands which are seen under the skin. These glands secrete more sebum when one reaches the puberty stage in one's life. The main function of the sebaceous glands is to keep the skin and hair healthy and moist. Too much of a good thing creates the bacne skin condition.
The sebum that is secreted by the sebaceous glands comes out through the small openings on our skin. These small opening are called pores. When there is excess secretion of the sebum by the sebaceous glands, the pores and the hair follicles on the skin get blocked. Dead cells that are shed by the skin every minute can't find a way to escape from the skin. Instead, they accumulate around the hair follicles. That's when bacteria begin to develop. These bacteria that begin to irritate the surrounding tissue leading to the inflammation of the skin
There are other causes of acne as well like excessive perspiration after a rigorous activity like exercising, dancing, etc. Hence you should always wash your face, arms and legs or probably take a shower after some rigorous activity. Fitting or tight clothes can also irritate the skin and inflame the tissues which lead to bacne
Also if the squeezed material spreads from the back to the other parts of the body, then acne can be caused in those parts also. There are many people who have the habit of squeezing at the acne and when their hands touch the other parts of the body, the infection spreads in the form of seeds erupting for the formation of new acne. Another common cause of acne is heredity, hence you may suffer from it if your mother or your father was suffering or is suffering from it. Research also suggests that constipation due to eating of excessive eating of oily and fatty foods may also lead to acne
Now that you know the cause of your bacne, are you ready to get rid of your bacne and keep it from coming back once and for all?
In the chapters of the special report How To Get Rid Of Bacne Super Fast, the 10 most asked questions are answered, giving you plenty of solutions to achieve the clear, beautiful skin you were born with. If you are ready to get that skin condition under control, How To Get Rid Of Bacne Super Fast will give you the most value for your money compared to any acne ebook on the market.
Seriously, let's face the facts here. If you didn't have acne then you wouldn't be reading this page.
You're here because you have acne in some way shape or form...And you're tired of it!for more info click here.

Joey Pinkney is a freelance writer. His website, is where he posts most of his articles. He is currently researching and writing about acne. Feel free and drop by and join his mailing list while you're there. He'd love to keep you posted on the developments is his website and the subjects he covers.

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